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Understanding the importance of Probiotics

By Andrea Walker

We have trillions of bacteria, both good and bad that reside in our gut. There are around 1000 different species and thousands of unique strains that contribute to a diverse microbiome.  


We co-exist with these micro-organisms. We give them a place to live and in return, they support our health by helping us to digest food, produce vitamins, protect us against harmful bacteria, and regulate responses of the immune system.

The gut microbiome can become out of balance or wiped out for many reasons such as antibiotic use, a diet high in processed and sugary foods, high stress levels, or environmental factors such as pesticides.

Studies have identified the important strains of live friendly bacteria (probiotic) that can be beneficial when taken orally. However, it is a long journey through the digestive system and orally administered probiotics encounter various challenges on their journey through the mouth, stomach, intestines, and colon. They must battle the harsh conditions of the gastric acid, bile salts and degrading enzymes before they get to their destination.

Choosing a probiotic that can make the journey safely to the intestines is key. Health House Probiotic Multi 9 not only contains nine of the key strains of live bacteria, but equally important, has a proven delivery system that helps these friendly bacteria stay alive throughout their journey.

Probiotic Multi 9 uses a unique capsulation called ‘capsule in a capsule’. This consists of two capsules in one. The inner, smaller capsule contains the nine strains of living probiotic bacteria which are protected by moisture repelling material. The outer capsule is filled with a liquid plant sugar (pre-biotic) similar to honey which promotes the growth of intestinal bacteria.  This technology ensures that the whole inner capsule will travel through the stomach to reach the small intestines intact. Regular gelatine capsules start to dissolve in the stomach acid, killing most of the strains off.

When the capsule reaches the intestines, it starts to dissolve as it travels several hours through the six metres of intestines, releasing its contents. Because the pH environment of the small intestine is much lower (around 6.0 – 7.0) then the pH of the stomach (around 1.0-3.0) the bacteria is able to successfully colonize giving you the full benefit of the probiotic.  This is further enhanced by the pre-biotic in the outer capsule which boosts the activity of the probiotic, helping them to recolonize and multiply in your intestines. It is here that the probiotics interact with your immune cells, gut cells, and existing bacteria to deliver benefits like these:


·         Nutritional status

·         Overall gut health

·         Intestinal comfort and the body's immune defences

·         Improved digestion of food, soft regular bowel movements

·         Metabolic and immune health 

·         Mood and increased energy

"Everyone may benefit from taking probiotics to treat a wide range of medical conditions or simply to support their everyday health."