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Health Concern / Women's Health

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The myth - saturated fats are bad, is now accepted as incorrect

The myth - saturated fats are bad, is now accepted as incorrect

Yes, the 60 year old nutritional myth that saturated fats are bad for us and cause heart disease, has now been officially accepted as incorrect.
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Replacing wiped out probiotics

Replacing wiped out probiotics

Probiotics are first implanted in our body during natural birth and from breast milk. They then reproduce themselves, ideally for life. We need them to properly digest our food as well as for disease-protecting purposes.
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Why sugar drinks fatten us faster than any other food

Why sugar drinks fatten us faster than any other food

Your body fat is mostly made from excess glucose. Glucose is the energy fuel that runs our bodies, rather like petrol fuels your car.
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MSM not just for joint health

MSM not just for joint health

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a sulphur compound that is naturally present in our body’s system. Predominantly MSM is used for its anti-inflammatory action on joints.
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Magnesium a vital macro-nutrient

Magnesium a vital macro-nutrient

The mineral magnesium is required for numerous important metabolic and cellular reactions.
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How can we keep our brain and memory sharp as we age

How can we keep our brain and memory sharp as we age

As I near age 70 my thoughts turn more and more to preserving my brain power, especially my memory and clarity of reasoning. I don’t think I’m alone in this.
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Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is also known as vitamin Q10 despite not actually being a vitamin, as the body produces its own supply.
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Echinacea and marshmallow

Echinacea and marshmallow

Heading toward a change of season is a great time to ensure you have access to good quality, herbal therapeutic remedies to help treat sore throats, coughs, colds and other respiratory issues that can arise when the weather and temperature becomes changeable.
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Immunity nutrients

Immunity nutrients

Echinacea, Olive leaf, Garlic, Vitamin C and Zinc are superb choices for enhanced immunity and have the added benefit of antioxidant protection.
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Many of us are deficient in a number of vitamins and minerals, for example, a New Zealand study
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The Cayenne or chilli pepper plant Capsicum annuum is well known in many cuisines worldwide for its bright red conical shaped fruit. In fresh, dried, whole or powdered forms it is used to produce herbal treatments for internal and external use.
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Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium and Magnesium

The main function of calcium is obvious with 99% of it being in our skeleton, the other 1% is vital for blood clotting and transmission of signals to cells.
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