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Health Concern / Muscles

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Bee Venom

Bee Venom

Bee stings have been used medically for hundreds of years to help with pain and inflammation.
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Protein vs Collagen

Protein vs Collagen

What is the difference between protein and collagen
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Why fruit anitioxidants work to increase stamina

Why fruit anitioxidants work to increase stamina

Antioxidants are stored in our muscle and lung cells
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How I suddenly doubled my daily push ups

How I suddenly doubled my daily push ups

My trial with Premium Collagen and Fruit Antioxidant.
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Live Longer and Stronger with Protein

Live Longer and Stronger with Protein

We often hear about the importance of protein.
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Protein and our health

Protein and our health

Are we getting enough, or too much, or doesn’t it really matter?
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Transdermal Magnesium

Transdermal Magnesium

Q Magnesium, transdermal vs internal.
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Collagen - not just for our skin

Collagen - not just for our skin

Collagen is the most abundant protein found in all mammals and although it is vitally important for the strength and integrity of our skin
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Turmeric for body repair

Turmeric for body repair

Turmeric contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory components that provide a natural glow to our skin. It can also support wound healing
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How Colloidal Silver keeps my cooked veggies fresh

How Colloidal Silver keeps my cooked veggies fresh

I admit I’m a health fanatic – probably an annoying trait and one not always shared by my long suffering wife Marie.
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Mineral Salts

Mineral Salts

Essential for optimum health.
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Why is protein important for exercise

Why is protein important for exercise

When we hear about protein being a necessary supplement for exercise, it often invokes thoughts of large bodybuilders downing protein bars and shakes
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