Denise Elliot
What are they? Where do they come from?
Karen Morris
Zealand Health Manufacturing (ZHM) makes the creams and liquid products for Health House using our advanced manufacturing facilities.
Denise Elliot
Carnitine is an essential nutrient for the transport of long chain fatty acids (Omega 3) into the mitochondria –basically it helps us make energy.
Karen Morris
Edible nuts and seeds from most plants and trees generally contain high oil content, making them a valuable source of food and energy.
Karen Morris
Yerba mate is a well known South American medicinal herb, also known as maté or erva maté and is very much the tea of the nation with its long history of use as a refreshing and rejuvenating tea beverage.
Denise Elliot
We humans are 18-20% protein by weight. Our skin, hair, cartilage, tendons, muscles and bones are all composed of the different proteins.
David Coory
During research for my “Stay Healthy by Supplying What’s Lacking in Your Diet” nutrition book in the mid 1980’s, I discovered fascinating material on fasting, written mostly by German doctors.
Karen Morris
This lovely ornamental succulent, perennial herb is a valuable addition to the bathroom shelf and first aid kit, especially over the summer months.
Denise Elliot
Life can run a smoother path when we indulge in generous amounts of laughter and smiles.
Denise Elliot
Artificial sweeteners are being used in an endeavour to improve health, but is this sensible?
David Coory
Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance, needed for countless functions in every cell of our body and brain.
Karen Morris
A plant native from North through to South America, Stevia rebaudiana has been used for centuries to sweeten bitter beverages, medicines and also herbal teas including the popular South American Yerba Mate tea